This is a great room (not a great room as in a room that's really good, great room as in a combination of the kitchen, living, and dining rooms.) This great room is the 2nd floor of a 3 story house, designed to fit on a small piece of property without sacrificing too much square footage. Amazing views from the 3rd story bedrooms!
Shown in the first picture is the kitchen of the great room. The bleached wood of the cabinet door is dramatic against the darker wood of the cabinet body. The red tile backsplash adds even more drama and elegance to the room. The red is copied on the couch, towards the right of the photo. The dining room is towards the left back. You can see the staircase above the couch, to the right of the photo. The countertops are metal. They look much better in real life. You can see the oven and microwave to the far left of the photo.The wonderful maple floors continue throughout the house.
Shown in the second picture is a great set of windows that were behind you in the first picture. The windows are offset and very modern. You can see the fridge to the far right of the photo. You can also see the sink to the bottom left.
If walls could dream... they'd dream of offset windows, dramatic reds, and everything else in this stunning great room.